No one is sure how long the break in football, caused by Coronavirus, will continue. There are some discussions about postponing or changing the format of the Piala Malaysia, to allow for fewer games but more intensity. What will happen to the CIMB Liga Super? It is believed that MFL will play those games when Covid-19 subsides.
If you were a football club, what would you do with your players in the meantime? Well, Johor Darul Ta’zim, the current table toppers and 6-times champion, is keeping its players fit and ready. The club posted today that its players were training hard, from home. His Royal Highness Tunku Mahkota Ismail ibni Sultan Ibrahim and Benjamin Mora are focused on the task ahead.
According to JDT’s instagram account @officialjohor:
“Johor Darul Ta’zim FC (JDT) players were given a two-week fitness programme by Fitness Coach Jorge Alvarez to follow during this COVID-19 pandemic’s #StayAtHome period.
The players were provided a daily routine focusing on aerobics, power, core and flexibility until the players are expected to return to team training on 1 April 2020. Several players also received specific individual routines depending on their respective needs. The routines differ from day to day and the JDT coaching staff are in constant contact with the players via video calls and text messages.
The players were also given a guide on dietary needs to ensure sufficient intake of nutrients and weight management. ”
We do hope more clubs follow this professional approach. JDT is an example to all.