Premier League English

Man Utd star Antony told to stay away from club while ex-girlfriend issues statement

Manchester United winger Antony has been told to stay away from the club while he defends himself from charges of physical assault directed against him by his ex-girlfriend, Gabriela Cavallin.

United released a statement on Sunday in which they said it had been agreed that Antony would not play for the club while police in Brazil and Manchester investigate the allegations made by Cavallin.

Antony’s ex-girlfriend has accused him of assaulting her on four occasions – allegations he vehemently denies. Cavallin immediately released a statement after Manchester United told Antony to take some time away from the club.

Two other women have come forward to claim they were physically assaulted by Antony since Cavallin made the allegations. The Brazilian star denies all the allegations against him. Nevertheless, United have decided it would be to the best interests of all parties that he does not report for training at Carrington on Monday morning.

United’s statement said:

“Manchester United acknowledges the allegations made against Antony. Players who have not participated in international matches are due back in training on Monday. However, it has been agreed with Antony that he will delay his return until further notice in order to address the allegations.

“As a club we condemn acts of violence and abuse. We recognise the importance of safeguarding all those involved in this situation, and acknowledge the impact these allegations have on survivors of abuse.”

Cavallin released a statement from her lawyers via social media in response to United’s statement. It read:

“Gabriela Cavallin’s defence, in view of the facts and evidence that became public knowledge on this date, regarding the repeated episodes of aggression suffered by her, informs that she trusts in the serious and competent investigation of the Civil Police of Sao Paulo, and equally of the Police of Manchester/UK, and hopes that, once completed, the aggressor will be prosecuted and punished for the crimes he committed.”

Antony then released a statement which read: “I have agreed with Manchester United to take a period of absence while I address the allegations made against me. This was a mutual decision to avoid distraction to my teammates and unnecessary controversy for the club.

“I want to reiterate my innocence of the things I have been accused of, and I will fully cooperate with the police to help them reach the truth. I look forward to returning to play as soon as possible.”

Antony, the 22-year-old winger who joined United in an £85million transfer from Ajax in September, has not been arrested or charged. He will continue to receive his weekly salary of £200,000 from United while taking a break from playing to defend himself.

Cavallin claims he headbutted and punched her in a Manchester hotel in January, damaging a breast implant, while in May she alleges that he threw a glass at her, injuring her finger.