Аваргуудын Лиг

ПСЖ-гийн гайхамшиг үргэлжилсээр

Last night’s Champions League final rounds last night. B’s top-level squad, PSG, was knocked out 7-1 at Old Trafford in Celtic, Scotland. They have won the last five games for three or more balls, and this time they have saved the series. They have also won all their games in the Champions League stage, and have scored in Celtic yesterday they lost their first goal. Neymar, Alves, Cavani, and Napolitano have also won the game.

Bayern has won 12 points with Bayern Munich and the Anderneff. It is clear that the PSG and Bayern teams will be drawn from this section and will be able to lead the top of the final round when the Bayerns win the PSG team more than three.