Last week German football officials were buoyantly optimistic with the notion that a return in early May for the Bundesliga was possible. Unfortunately this was more misguided hope than anything else that a return that early was even remotely possible. Still, with the signs that teams are picking up training efforts right now, it does seem they are intent on at least trying their utmost best to do something about the situation.
Sports Illustrated covered the discussions in a recent article with quotes from Health Minister Jens Spahn and an even more telling one with darker overtones from a Union Berlin spokesman, Christian Arbeit.
“So far there have been a lot of considerations and thoughts, but no concrete plans for the resumption of Bundesliga games.”
The statement carries some weight, coming from a Bundesliga club-linked spokesman. If indeed there’s any remote likelihood of the Bundesliga being less than a month away from returning, there should ideally be some sort of a plan being put into place at this stage. However, as things stand, the Bundesliga is just not at that point with the pandemic still raging on and giving rise to many uncertainties that have to be taken into serious consideration regarding resuming the league at this point.
For now it looks most likely that football fans will have to wait longer than May to see the Bundesliga resume as it would be more realistic to discuss at this point how to finish up the 2019/2020 season or when to kick off the 2020/2021 season if they are able to resume in August. If…