Southeast Asia Malaysia

What’s the current market value of every Malaysia Super League club?

The Malaysia Super League is one of the most attractive and competitive leagues in Southeast Asia, based on what you see on the pitch, the legion of foreign stars that set the league alight as well as the increased levels of marketing done by clubs in the country.

While discussions on market value in football are often dominated by foreign or European clubs, we’ve used data provided by, to give you a glimpse of what the market value of Malaysian football clubs are like. These numbers take factors like team’s current form, individual market values of players as well as potential of each player, into consideration.

Here’s a breakdown of what the market value of 12 Malaysia Super League clubs look like:

Johor Darul Ta'zim

Market Value: 5.78 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Harry Novillo (900 thousand Euro)


Market Value: 725 thousand Euro
Most Valuable Player: Ritus Krjauklis (225 thousand Euro)

Kelantan FA

Market Value: 925 thousand Euro
Most Valuable Player: Mohammad Ghaddar (300 thousand Euro)

Terengganu FC

Market Value: 1.18 thousand Euro
Most Valuable Player: Igor Zonjic (300 thousand Euro)

Kuala Lumpur FA

Market Value: 1.40 thousand Euro
Most Valuable Player: Guilherme de Paula (350 thousand Euro)

Negeri Sembilan FA

Market Value: 1.60 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Kim Do-heon & Nicolas Velez (350 thousand Euro)

Selangor FA

Market Value: 1.73 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Alfonso de la Cruz (250 thousand Euro)


Market Value: 1.78 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Zac Anderson (25o thousand Euro)

Pahang FA

Market Value: 1.85 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Mohamadou Sumareh (250 thousand Euro)

Melaka United

Market Value: 2.15 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Yahor Zubovich (400 thousand Euro)

Perak FA

Market Value: 2.5 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Wander Luiz (550 thousand Euro)

Kedah FA

Market Value: 3.10 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Alvaro Silva (800 thousand Euro)

Johor Darul Ta'zim

Market Value: 5.78 million Euro
Most Valuable Player: Harry Novillo (900 thousand Euro)


Market Value: 725 thousand Euro
Most Valuable Player: Ritus Krjauklis (225 thousand Euro)

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